Hey guys!!! ^.^ I'm Chloe (: okay so..... I'm just a girl from nowhere who's pretty much a no one. I'm here to write my heart out and hope it doesn't fail miserably •.•* I am a total fangirl!!! And I love all of my followers, even if I only have 4. Everyone says I'm quiet and stuck up..I guess if you look at it a certain way I could be. But I'm quiet because of my anxiety...I'm not good with new people. But if you stick around long enough to get to know me you'll find out I'm crazy haha :3 I'll be writing stories on here, some long and some short, some quotes, maybe even some song lyrics(inspirational of course lol) I really hope you guys like them! Add me on Pinterest |Off To Wonderland| @ZOmbiechick78 and on Facebook Chloe Collingham <3 (: cx
  • Neverland
  • انضمNovember 28, 2015

الرسالة الأخيرة
immortalprincess78 immortalprincess78 Dec 10, 2015 10:27PM
I'm so sorry guys! I'm having such a writer's block with Hold On, I'll update as soon as I can I promise! XOXO Chloe 
عرض جميع المحادثات

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Hold On
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