
Salam, I have a little less than half way to go on this most recent chapter so please don’t burn me at the stake yet. Ramadan has got a girl lazy but busy too. Hope you’re all enjoying and making the most of this blessed month :) 


Salam, I have a little less than half way to go on this most recent chapter so please don’t burn me at the stake yet. Ramadan has got a girl lazy but busy too. Hope you’re all enjoying and making the most of this blessed month :) 


Assalamu aleikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu. May Allah swt grant the souls of the NZ shooting victims the highest ranks of Jannah, may they be amongst the righteous muslims of the hereafter. May Allah swt give their families sabr, and keep them holding in tight to the rope of Allah. “Verily, with every difficulty comes peace.”