I write cheesy, fluffy, and kinda cliche stuff...

You are my addiction | Sotus oneshots Spanish translation - @Jimin_Jay

Two_spoonfuls_of_sugar on ao3
  • انضمSeptember 26, 2014

الرسالة الأخيرة
infinite___ot7 infinite___ot7 Nov 04, 2020 06:41PM
Heyyy!!! I'm so sorry for going MIA for so damn long and also a huge sorry because I still don't know when I will get time to write again so I'll be on hiatus for a while more.However, here's a smal...
عرض جميع المحادثات

قصص بقلم infinite___ot7
For aspiring writers بقلم infinite___ot7
For aspiring writers
A collection of interviews from my personal favorite Peraya authors and readers. The interview's main motive...
You are my addiction | Sotus oneshots بقلم infinite___ot7
You are my addiction | Sotus onesh...
Oneshots of our beloved Arthit and Kongpob. --------------------------------------- The characters belong to...
+14 أكثر
From husbands to ...brothers?!?!  بقلم infinite___ot7
From husbands to ...brothers?!?!
A new murder case has come to the Bangkok police station and Arthit is in charge of the case. Will the senior...
+12 أكثر
6 قوائم قراءة