@ThatOneVespid Hi! I think that it's totally okay for your personality and preferences to sneak into your characters, but only in moderation. It's nice to be able to pick a couple of your interests to be expressed in different characters, but I also maintain that these are actual human people that you are writing about. They should all have personalities shaped by the events of their past and personalities that keep changing to achieve the goals they have for their future. So characters are not so much people that you are trying to create from your mind, but more people whose minds you are trying to read to create a story. The easiest way you can practice this is by thinking of multiple outcomes of a conversation or event in your story and picking whichever one seems most plausible for your character(s). Remember, your characters are driving the story, not the other way around :) sorry for the mini rant, but I hope that helps a little bit!