I'M THE GIRL that always has her phone in her hands, earphones in her ears and that ONE GUY on her mind.

◾ Simple Girl
◾ Music Lover
◾ Dreamer
◾ Silent Reader
◾ Likes Black Stuff
◾ Loves Fantasy & Action Stories
◾ Black & White and Blue Roses
◾ Baymax & Rabbit Lover
◾ Food & Wattpad Is Life
◾ Little Hime ( 姫 )
◾ Good Kodomo ( 子供 )
◾ True Tomodachi ( 友だ )
◾ Kirei Na ( 綺麗 な )
◾ Have So Many Goal In Life

Rose is a flower that last in an hour but friendship is a tower that last forever.
  • SumaliApril 16, 2017

11 Mga Reading List