Chapter six of By a Different Path is all yours. It's time to meet the Great Dragon and progress and our building of a quite different story from what we're used to. Read the latest developments and tell me your predictions for the future. I know what's going to happen, but do you?
Are you still alive? You haven't done anything on any of your accounts since September of 2016. Seriously, this is worrying... A 'hey, I'm leaving. sorry.' would be acceptable but ya just up and disappeared.
Chapter six of By a Different Path is all yours. It's time to meet the Great Dragon and progress and our building of a quite different story from what we're used to. Read the latest developments and tell me your predictions for the future. I know what's going to happen, but do you?
Chapter 5 of By a Different Path has been posted. Sorry for the late update. It's been crazy. Still doing pre med and just got a new, very energetic puppy. To say time gets away from me would be an understatement.
Thank you to the followers of the story who have stuck around. I'm hoping that it's a consistent pacing and a plausible story plot with a realistic portrayal of the characters.