Hi I'm a Louie and a Larry ntmy

Just so you know, I am very against bullies. I have been bullied in the past, and it severely hurt my self-esteem and love for myself, so:
Dear Bullies,
You know that boy you pushed earlier?
He committed suicide last night.
That girl you called fat?
She's starving herself and overdosing and diet pills.
And that boy you teased for crying?
His mom died.
You know that man you made fun of for his scars?
He fought for our country.
The little leather pouch you stole from that man?
He was homeless.
That girl you called ugly?
She spends hours putting make-up on hoping people will like her.
That boy you tripped?
He gets abused enough at home.

So stop bullying, you never know the whole story.
I will defend anyone who's being bullied, just reach out to me and I'll try my best.

I'm a huge fan of @CrystalScherer (I met her online and eEEk freaked out a bit but she's super chill!! Awesome experience)
  • Harry’s bottom left nipple
  • انضمOctober 7, 2020

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