/ my motivation do be nonexistent but i had a thought so take this “ do you think your hair is long enough for me to braid :) ? “

@internetroll , / ugh why is she still relevant rn ew now she has no sense of humor how disgusting oh ew nvm that sounds gross my mom said i didn’t have to do my homework packet because my brothers didn’t have to do theirs ahah “ i don’t think your hair is basic :(( it’s cute . but it doesn’t have to be . but you tell me to shut up all the time :( . i’m not sad when i’m with you though :) . have you seen him ?? his hair always looks greasy , he probably uses an entire thingy of gel too . no it isn’t :( . wow , way to accuse me . fine , i guess i just won’t make you prettier than you already are , i’ll just braid my own hair :( . “ she huffed , patting his cheek again since he moved away before . “ mm , you’re kinda a bully , i dunno if i wanna kiss you . “

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@ROMANT1CS // ugh fucking please no she'd be like ' stop shut up thats not funny ' or some shit omg no it was really uncomfortable to feel warm blood sliding down my face ahaha omg fuck online classes " yes there is , it's so basic :( . that's the point . telling me to shut up is super mean :(( . when she always be sad though . you think he hasn't showered his hair in months ? yeah i could definitely see that . it is now :) . wow , way to kill the mood . but it's gonna look weird in the front . " he insisted back , mocking sadness before moving away from her little cheek pats . " mm , i dare you to . "

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@internetroll , / ugh she lowkey deserves it #cancelquinn’ssisterasap disown her literally tell her ‘ get out of my fucking house ’ B) omg wow how iconic bloody tingz omg “ there’s nothing wrong with your hair :( no it isn’t , i just don’t look at your hair specifically . you’re mean to me , shut up :(( . when i’m not in the mood to be sad and he’s trying to make me sad . because i don’t wanna touch just greasy e - boy middle part , that’s disgusting . thats not a word :) . wow , way to be subtle . but the back of your hair isn’t long enough , it’s easier this way . “ she insisted , giving him a small pout even though he couldn’t see it . she patted his cheek a little when he finally faced her , giving him a smile . “ mm , shut up before i kiss you again . “