
I hope you can give my story a try
          Title: Just You
          Genre: Romance
          Zachary Amando is a total opposite of Odyssey Aguilar. He spends most of his time burrowed in some girl's thigh, while she burrows herself in educational books. His goal is to make any girl fall for him, and hers is to achieve the highest GWA of her university. He has been to every single clubs and bars of the city, and she memorizes all the cafes in the city. 
          A total opposite, right? That's why they never thought that their paths would somehow cross


Hello! Just want to recommend my friend's story. She doesnt know that Im doing this but I hope you still give her a chance. Here's the link to her story:


@Aikenkiel sureee thank youuu for the recommendatio❤️


Hi sorry to bother you but it would mean a lot if you can check out my book entitled "Learning to love again" and/or share it aswell please xx, by the way, it's still not complete tho, that's why i gather some support from you so i'll have a reason to write again. Thank you for your time reading this, i really appreciate it.❤