Hey all... won't deny it's been some time, and as much as I hate to give it any sort of due, adulting sucks sometimes. 97.3% of me gets used up at work (because they figured out I'm good at stuff) and as such I have not been writing nearly as much as you, or I, might wish.
However... one teensy bit of good news, I suppose - the newest, latest, greatest, preferred-read-for-those-with-discerning-taste-est, bestest version of Two Cats has been published and is totally grabbable: https://www.amazon.com/Two-Cats-Aaron-Kite/dp/1988361168/
And thanks to Amazon for providing such a reader-friendly link! Oh no, wait... I did that. Never mind.
I'd link to Kindle purchase info, but wouldn't you know it, Amazon made that difficult too. :/
Still... I love the newest incarnation of Vincent, and I'm sure you will as well. Enjoy. :)