
@andreishasabrina Konichiwa, ogenki desu ka? eto... a little tip for you, after writing the story if you have time read it to correct some words, and u can use simple words but try to make it a bit more understandable. I'm not trying to be brutal about your story just a little adjustments that's all though speak to myself its not like my stories are good as well. There are some parts that are not really understandable and sometimes I can't emphasize the image. So best of luck for you and also break a leg to your studies.


@andreishasabrina Nyahoo! Sup how ya doin? liked the story though I thought its going to be long but don't worry I liked, So you're also leaving a cliffhanger but what the heck that makes the story more mysterious and make people curious. sorry I'm getting more talkative than I thought well that's it and again love it.