


Hey everyone!
          I know a while back I said i was near publishing the first three chapters but I started struggling a lot with everything so I took some time off. I’m feeling better now so I’ve started writing again, however I was rereading and have decided to start new. The storyline will stay the same though. I know quarantine can get hard sometimes so I hope everyone is staying safe and doing well. My DMs are always open if you ever need to talk <3


Hi, I found you on Skin and bones and saw that you enjoyed it. I personally written a book called,"I hide behind a mask." Its about a girl named Caitlin who pretends to be someone she's not, another girl named Destiny who commits suicide the next day. The more Caitlin finds out, the deeper trouble she's getting into. I'm looking for new readers and their opinions on it and thought ask if could check it out and let me know your opinion on it and if not, that's also okay too. I just thought I'd ask!! :)


Hi, I saw this message a while ago but I was reading like 4 books at once and didn’t want to start another one. Now that I’ve finished I started reading it. I’ve only read 1 chapter but it’s already amazing and I know it will be really good further on!!! <3