Hi I'm Xoeand I've been writing for what seems like forever. I remember wanting to be a writer since before I could even write my ABCs! I always could appreciate good books and I don't really have a favorite but I LOVE reading. I absolutely LOVE IT!!! The first thing that I read was a little song that was in my piano book. I suppose that's why my music and writing ties together! I've also been a person who loved music. I mean who doesn't? I can't live without it and I listen to music everyday

Today I write pretty much everything. Anything that is inspirational to me or other people. I have many people who I look up to and I hope that one day someone will want to look up to me. If you reached all the way down here I must thank you for spending your time reading the stuff that I write. Especially this blah blah blah. I thank God everyday for the people in my life whether they are good to me or bad because if they didn't do what they did then I probably wouldn't be the person I am today.


I'm Asian and I'm only 14 going on to 15. I don't know much about life but I intend on finding out. I love rain and sour gummy worms. I love smiles and happy endings. I cry and laugh and laugh til I cry. I have a family who sticks by my side and I have best friends who are always there for me. I dance in the rain and I sing like no one's listening even though I can't carry a tune. I like things that sparkle and I love being happy! I enjoy the little things in life and random acts of kindness. I thank YOU for reading everything I wrote and I'm sure I've wasted atleast 2 minutes of your life. Thank you so much for reading. God Bless You. <33

  • Üye olduJuly 6, 2011

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