I think.. i got the closure but not how I want it to end with... well tbh Idek know what to expect or how I want it to end.. but it is what it is, the past. (i don't even remember when did the talk happened, 2023 or 2024?)
I mean I'm not really, or I think I'm not? in too deep to be super attached to her? Sure I sometimes feel bothered when I see some of her updates/post but it might be just my uh? well ig it's my Issues? Abandonment? attachment issues? Dang it..
Minsan i want to commit in a serious relationship nah pero at the same time I'm questioning if i can really handle it? I don't think I'm emotionally stable pa ihh I don't want to hurt them pero sometimes I wish i can just lean a bit on someone like where i can feel safe kahit momentarily lng