reminder: this is my opinion, so im not wrong or right. just what i think.
i think talias problematic for talking about this on a live stream cause
1. why on a live stream?
2. this happened when they were 12.
3. shouldnt she have gotten an adult to help or therapist, etc.?
4. why would she expose jack like that when it shouldve been over and done with?
i think Jack isnt lying when he says
"how could i cheat on someone ive never met? " cause they truly never did. it was online and they werent allowed to. so all he did really was comment "amazing / cool " on her selfies.
its also not really our buisness, i dont support any of their actions, but i do love Jack. the fact that hes only 14 and being told to
"kill yourself "
is ridiculous. hes a kid/ teen. his life isnt even 1/2 way over.
it was really stupid for talia to open this subject from the past.
once again, i dont stand on any sides or hate any of the kids.