Idk what to write on here so ya.
If anyone needs someone to talk to just message me, I might not respond ASAP, sorry for that, but ya go ahead whenever you want to.
age: technically a teenager
HP house: slytherin
favorite netflix shows: the society, stranger things, the 100 and a few more that I don't remember the name of

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The girl you just called fat? She's on a diet. The girl you just called ugly? She spends hours putting makeup on hoping people will like her. The boy you hit? He's already abused at home. The man with the scars? He fought for his country. That guy you laughed at for crying? His mother just died. The kid you made fun of for being bald? He has cancer.
Bullying can destroy a persons life, it is not okay. There are people in this world to scared to stand up for themselves, if they can't do it for them, be their friend, help them you will have no idea how much it will mean.
If you've ever taken a blade to your body, skipped a meal on purpose at least once, cried because you weren't/aren't good enough , tried self harm or thought of taking your life. Copy this let's see how many of us there are and let's make sure nobody feels like this.
Thanks for takin the time to learn a bit about me
  • Somewhere over a damned rainbow
  • RegistriertMay 22, 2019

Letzte Nachricht
jackiechan1201590 jackiechan1201590 Jan 02, 2020 11:01PM
Guys my best friend was in a car accident and now shes in like this depression and idk what to do, any suggestions  
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