Okay so in my band class we have a sub from today to Friday . This kid connected his phone to the YAMAHA keyboard and plugged it into the amp. And he played a lot of non-school appropriate music the sub said . And y'all know the OK BOOMER song well he played it and the sub was like 85. It was funny, and the sub triped on the snare drum stand and one of the girls was like guys if the sub just had a heart attack it's our fault. And one of the good girls in our class tried to talk to the sub and tried to tell him who didn't do anything the conversation went like this ( the sub is in a diff font.)
" Excuse me, but there was a few of us who didn't do anything could you tell our teacher that in the report?" "αrє чσu ѕtupíd."
"no." " dσ ѕσmє σf thє kídѕ ín clαѕѕ thínk чσur ѕtupíd." "yes." " wєll thєrє íѕ чσur αnѕwєr nσw gєt σut.. So now our teacher is gonna lower all our grades, fun...