
People are still liking my stories. I am... flattered. Im sorry for the lack of writing this past year. I wish I had more enthusiasm so I can continue writing but for now I'm still hit with this block while my studies are still going. But I will continue the story someday. I hope it will soon but we'll see.


People are still liking my stories. I am... flattered. Im sorry for the lack of writing this past year. I wish I had more enthusiasm so I can continue writing but for now I'm still hit with this block while my studies are still going. But I will continue the story someday. I hope it will soon but we'll see.


Hello, this is just a quick reminder that if someone is contacting you about your dragon's extended warranty, it's not us and likely a scam. InterCons doesn't offer warranties on dragons. What's a warranty on a dragon even supposed to be? A life insurance policy, I suppose. Speaking of that, DTE is working on a comprehensive income insurance provider, so keep an eye out on that.


@freedomnuke3 Uh huh... Alright ^^;


Greetings sir.
          I'm an older commenter of yours. I wanted to let you know that Secret of The Bushes is one of the best WoF fanfics out there. It is easily my favorite in terms of overall quality. 
          That said, I'm currently writing my own fanfiction, of debatable quality. Your story was a big inspiration and motivator for me.
          The setting of my story is mostly set around Safe Harbor, a large human city on the continent of Pyrrhia, and their attempts to reestablish maritime commerce. 
          I wanted to ask you of I could include the Bush and River clan from your story on mine, as they also engaged in tradebwith each other. The Bush clan in particular has Iron, which Safe Harbor is going to come to want.
          Let me know what you think of the story  as you are an experienced writer in this rather niche field.
          Here is the story if you're interested: https://www.deviantart.com/justanotherethan/art/WoF-Dragons-Steel-and-Pom-Poms-I-974480938
          I'm not asking to direcrly collaborate, but I would be more than willing to of you are.
          Thank you.
          I can also paste this to you on DA, if youre more active there.


Sure! Just as soon as I figure out how to use discord...


@SasquatchTheGreat Thats great to hear that my story inspired you to write. You can use my clans to help expand the economy in your story. Wave Clan is very open in commerce. The Bush Clan however are a bit more apprehensive but with help from the Wave Clan they can also allow exports of iron and wood however those are the only export they'll allow in exchange for material for clothing. And food also. 
            I also have another town in mind established after arc 3 in joint effort by Indestructible City and Tranquility called Tranquil Bay located by the river delta to the west of the rainforest (just below Jade Mountain) We can discuss more about this on Discord if you'd like.


Hello. I know its been a long while and I'm deeply sorry for the absence. This has been nagging on me for a while but I need to get it off my chest. I've been having a lot of trouble finding the motivation to write as of late and I fear its not going away anytime soon.
          Having said that, I've decided to extend my hiatus indefinitely until further notice. I don't know why I'm feeling like this but I just can't find the drive to write anything anymore. Ever since last semester, my enthusiasm for my stories have been dwindling and right now its been feeling like a chore to even write a few words in. I've been feeling tired and constantly worrying about my output which has certainly made me feel insecure about my ability as a writer. So for now I'll be taking a break from writing. I'll have to take care of myself and meditate on what I should do going forward. 
          To those who have followed me and are still willing to wait for me, I thank you for your patience. I hope I'll get back to writing some day.
          You can still follow me on Twitter and Tumblr linked on my profile and I'm also active on r/wingsoffire as u/Mithel_Celestia.


@jademythriil I hope so, too. I'm hoping it will return with the release of the Guide Book but something tells me it won't be enough. But thank you for the support. I also hope you gain your motivation back soon.


Damn… just damn… I honestly don’t really know what to say. I hope you gain motivation soon. Honestly though don’t blame yourself… me and a lot of other writers are also unmotivated right now. Like I said I hope you gain motivation soon. Good luck.


Hello everyone, sorry for the lack of updates. There are no new chapters anytime soon I'm afraid as I'm in the process of reevaluating the plot to make it more cohesive with the story I'm trying to write. On top of that I've been very busy with college as of late and am having a hard time writing while I shift my priorities. At the moment it's safe to say that I'll be putting the story on hold as I divert my focus to my studies. Not to mention that writing seems to be slogging along as I struggle to find the enthusiasm to write amidst all the stress. 
          Hopefully after all is done, I'll be able to get back into writing when I have more time available (since there will be a long semestral break in time for our summer breaks). I thank everyone for the time you gave in reading my stories. Hopefully you'll be patient with me until the time I can finally return.


@jademythriil yeah fair enough. Oh and Good luck on your grades, Hopefully talk to you soon.


@Wofscavrnger Yeah college has been stressful while I fullfil my requirements. I don't have much time to write or read until it's all done.


Yeah, I’ve noticed you been MIA for some time which I chalk up to the fact of college. I’ll be honest high school has been pretty stressful too. If you ever want to talk about it or just about wings of fire or something my name on discord is BoyswillbeBoys 4279 anyways bye and I hope to see or talk to you soon.


Hello everyone, I'm making this announcement to say that releases will become slower as classes start rolling back in, not to mention my lack of inspiration ever since I finished reading the books has dampened my motivation to write.
          I will continue to write as much as I can but release schedules will become unpredictable as I juggle multiple things including college and even sports practice.
          I have a lot of stories I still want to tell so I'll keep chugging along while I deal with many things in my life so I hope you can be patient with me.


id just like to say i love your book man if this is your first ever story props to you  this is a 10/10 for me hope irl is going well keep up the good work and have a good day


@shadowx7766 Thank you so much. I am amazed by how well my story has been recieved. I was worried that it wouldn't be up-to-snuff but I am greatful you enjoyed it.