Bitterness keeps you from flyin'
Always stay humble and kind
  • USA
  • انضمApril 6, 2014

الرسالة الأخيرة
jadorechanter1 jadorechanter1 Aug 17, 2016 12:31AM
Is anyone really ready to go back to school? Because I'm not in the slightest. 
عرض جميع المحادثات

قصص بقلم Snape
Confessions بقلم jadorechanter1
Originally Inspired By Jenna (@ilovethegriers) Confessions of a small town girl. Although most of these confe...
A Glimpse Behind the Title بقلم jadorechanter1
A Glimpse Behind the Title
This is a book all about me that explains what I like and dislike, what I do on a daily basis, and stories ab...
Quotes بقلم jadorechanter1
Quotes that I find inspiring or very true. Disclaimer- None of these quotes are mine and most if not all are...
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