
So I justed played the ace attorney  investigation series and it was awesome I was especially surprised the edgeworth had a special ability like pheonix and Apollo as well as athena with with her therapy sessions in court and can I just say that the whole chess gimmick fits edgeworth perfectly.


One more question and i swear im gona shut up ... are you gona do professor layton vs ace attorny


Oh your doing great aa so its gona be kierans 'the name i have for Y/n' ancestor


I’m thinking about it. I was considering it doing it after the Investigations games, but before I get around to doing that, I should probably read up or play the Layton games so I don’t mischaracterize its characters.
            I might save it for after I do the Great Ace Attorney games and Spirit of Justice, since I doubt we’re getting AA7 anytime soon lol