Im thinking about doing a review type of book over the many books I have read over the years. I may can help point out the many amazing stories from great writers to you guys. Should I?
Im thinking about doing a review type of book over the many books I have read over the years. I may can help point out the many amazing stories from great writers to you guys. Should I?
And oh my gohd! Your a band geek? Me too. :D I'm also a very very huge twilight saga fan. Hahaha. First book series I've read. XD. Llloovveee your song and movie choices. I'm talkative. Hehehe. :D
I'm also weird and always smile. :P
I don't know if I'm smart though? Does it follow if your a nerd? :3
Could you help me? Could you critique and comment on my work? It really means a lot, and I'm still new to it. :3
It would really really mean a lot. ^-^ Thank you God bless.