
I'm so thankful for the protection that God has poured out on us. Last night my area felt an earthquake that was an 8.2 magnitude but fell into a 7.9. It triggered a tsunami warning which also made the whole US west coast go into evacuation as well as Hawaii. The great thing about all of this is that no one was harmed or affected in the earthquake. All is well when you have the grace of God. 
          	This is a wake up call. 
          	It's not too late to accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior. 1 John 5:12 "Whoever has the Son has life. Whoever doesn't have the Son of God doesn't have life." Now I know some of you are wondering. I'm alive and I don't have Jesus. Well what the verse is referring to is your afterlife. There's only two places that you can go when you die. Heaven or Hell. 
          	If you're willing to accept Jesus but you want to do it in private, let me know and dm me. 
          	I promise you, you won't lose anything but to gain. 


Thanks for supporting my book. I'm glad you like it.
          Fun Fact: That's my first book ever written.


That’s nice! Yeah, the summary caught my attention because it’s true more now than ever, but only few choose to live for Christ.


I'm so thankful for the protection that God has poured out on us. Last night my area felt an earthquake that was an 8.2 magnitude but fell into a 7.9. It triggered a tsunami warning which also made the whole US west coast go into evacuation as well as Hawaii. The great thing about all of this is that no one was harmed or affected in the earthquake. All is well when you have the grace of God. 
          This is a wake up call. 
          It's not too late to accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior. 1 John 5:12 "Whoever has the Son has life. Whoever doesn't have the Son of God doesn't have life." Now I know some of you are wondering. I'm alive and I don't have Jesus. Well what the verse is referring to is your afterlife. There's only two places that you can go when you die. Heaven or Hell. 
          If you're willing to accept Jesus but you want to do it in private, let me know and dm me. 
          I promise you, you won't lose anything but to gain. 


Happy Resurrection Day (Happy Easter Sunday)! Let us appreciate this day. On this day, our Lord Jesus Christ had resurrected from His crucifixion. Now to those who say that God is dead (which He is not, clearly) this day is the proof that He is alive. Now say this with me....GOD's NOT DEAD HE'S SURELY ALIVE! Any who, I hope you have a Blessed Sunday, God bless you 


Thank you for adding my story to your reading list. I hope you enjoy it!


@jay_biol01 Thank you:) may God bless you as well!


Thank you ❤ I'm glad you think so!!


Hiii! :) thank you so much for adding my story on your reading list. I hope you enjoy reading it! :)


@xxJulietxx yeah no problem. God Bless you on your success in writing


Hiya! Thank you so much for adding Saving Grace to your reading lists! I hope you enjoy the story!


It's okay haha. Thank you so much!


@_ashes It's an amazing book. Sorry I just now said something about it, I finished the book last year, actually. May God bless you in your success in writing. Keep sharing His love. Have a good day! 