
Hey guys, my new book Amethyst Blake is out. I have the prologue finished, and I am trying to update a chapter a day until I get a chunk of the book typed up. I have tomorrow's typed, and I am starting Friday's, so I shouldn't be late on any unless I can't get on the computer during the weekend. You should check it out and give some feedback. -JeffreyWoods69


Hey guys, my new book Amethyst Blake is out. I have the prologue finished, and I am trying to update a chapter a day until I get a chunk of the book typed up. I have tomorrow's typed, and I am starting Friday's, so I shouldn't be late on any unless I can't get on the computer during the weekend. You should check it out and give some feedback. -JeffreyWoods69


 #PlanetOrPlastic I Did This
          Swimming in an ocean, trying to see marine life, yet only spotting water bottles just like the one you drank during lunch. That plastic bag over there, just like the one that held your ham and cheese sandwich yesterday, now floats around the water. Milk jugs floating around, the cap lost and the insides filled with trapped fish, unable to see the hole at the top. A stingray is trying to navigate the waters, the only living thing in sight, yet keeps running into plastic things everywhere. A sheet of plastic like what wrapped that shipment of supplies you saw at Sam’s Club. When will it end? Ducks nearby that park your kids go to are choking by spiral bracelets not unlike the one you use to hold that key you always forget about otherwise. Lanyard tags holding plastic cards inside, depicting forgotten jobs and positions, are around the bodies of sea lions that guard the rocks breaking the water’s surface.Why are you wearing those flippers? Most of them are made plastic; you don’t like how rubber feels on your bare foot. It disgusts you how you depend on this material, thoughts of how your flippers will add to this skillet of plastic, metal, rubber, and various other materials drop your stomach. What’s that to your left? A soda can, just like what you drank on the way to the diving sight. Rubber bracelets are tightening around baby squids this moment, and you are watching. Crabs try living in discarded disposable cups, only to find that the jagged edges from the wear and tear against sand, rocks, and teeth thinking it’s food cut into its body. Dead animals because of you throwing away plastic bags, metal cans, and lost bracelets are just floating everywhere. You did this. 
          Why did you even go on this trip? To learn what you and your friends are a part of. You will start buying biodegradable things, start reusing things that can harm animals. As soon as you get back home, you will go through your trash.


rest of entry for #PlanetOrPlastic
            You will start taking care of the earth, not ruin its animals. You stop diving after helping animals stuck in a smorgasbord of things, and dry off. You call friends, tell them what you are doing. They start a Facebook page to help spread the idea. You now go back to the diving spot every Sunday with dozens of others, helping animals in despair, taking things out of the water, and cleaning animals covered in human grime and oil. Your group meets every Wednesday to share items they can’t find a recycled purpose for, and others use them. It is like a free supply sale to the group. You brainstorm in groups on Mondays, finding various ways to help the world. You teach children in the city in fun groups every Thursday to help save the world. They have fun, while helping you clean up beaches. You are doing this.