@DannyCepul , @KHResurreccion , and @HeddaLL tagged me in this thingy
The rules:
-It is necessary to post all the rules.
-You have to say 13 things about yourself.
-You can't refuse.
-You shall complete this in one week, or the given punishment by the tagger.
-You shall tag 15 other people to do this.
13 things about me:
1. I would love to travel the world <3
2. I love math, sometimes..
3. I have so many puns and jokes waiting to be told, please message me if you want a joke/pun.
4. I love to read, I currently have over a hundred books in my room. Plan on making that two hundred this year!!
5. I'm a nervous wreck when it comes to important things.
6. I love my dog, Roxy, more than life itself.
7. Tea is life, tea is love <3
8. People make me frustrated, even me sometimes lol.
9. I honest to god want to try Pepsi Blue now
10. If you buy me books I will forever be in love with you :D
11. Gummies will forever rule my life.
12. I adore the outdoors.
13. Supernatural will forever be in my life <333
The 15 random people I tag: I don't have time for this XD Anyone can do, I'm not going to force you