
Nothing better then when one of your favorite stories on wattpad get published as an actual paperback book!!!! 


I know it’s been a LONG time since I have update or anything but  I’m finally going to be working on my story . I hit a hard patch in my life and honestly the urge to write left me. But I feel that was a good thing. Because looking back I can see where i could improve in the story and characters.
          Now I’m not promising that I won’t re-edit constantly but I promise it will be for the better. 
          If anyone has any recommendations please message or comment me. 
          I hope you like so far of what I’ve added and changed and please pass this story on, comment, and like it, thank you


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 Hello hello everyone. I started writting a new story. Its still a little rough and i hope once im done with the story i will go back and edit some of it. 
          With that i hope you can vote and or comment on the story. I always love feed back as long as its not an asshole type of comment.  i can handle constructive critisism but dont be a douch bout it. 
          Have a nice night everryyyone