Jen Parker grew up longing to be an actress and an author in the wide awake city of Richardson (a ‘burb of Dallas, Texas).  As a child she spent hours writing poetry as well as hand-written novels just for her own pleasure.  She was horribly shy and unsure of herself, sometimes wondering if (and daydreaming that) she was invisible.  Despite this lack of confidence, her need to perform was deeply rooted and ready to emerge when she entered the Richardson High School Theater Arts Magnet.

Many years, a husband and three kids later (not to mention living in Fort Worth) has made the actress thing a little more challenging so she now spends her day-dream time pining for her latest manuscript to be published.

Eternally fascinated by history, her greatest dream is to time travel through a device that doubles as a modern restroom—since her greatest fear is being forced to use primitive facilities.

She’s worked many odd jobs over the years, most notably as a technical writer for a marketing research firm. In her spare time she reads, acts, and spends an inordinate amount of time trying to make her family laugh.

Read more about me and my adventures on my blog, Writer's Cramp at Hope to see you there!
  • InscritJanuary 25, 2012

Dernier message
jenlparker jenlparker Feb 09, 2012 08:29PM
@JolynPalliata I guess I'm just now seeing this because of the server update. So now you know I hopped right back on that horse and am having a FABULOUS time. I forgot how much fun this is!!! :) You...
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Histoire par Jen
Babel Ring par jenlparker
Babel Ring
Melanie finds herself in a very awkward situation after she's transported from an unassuming movie theater to...