I really wanna meet CNCO but i have a feeling i'm never going to and that makes me very sad :( btw guys im like supposed to be asleep rn cause i gotta wake up at 6 am tomorrow but i just can't !!! @_Crazy_Bunny_01@paleta9910@esme_figueroa11@JoelsnewAmericana I miss yall online friends i had to delete kik and idk when ima be back on it sry Ess and Esme.....nd Lizzy i've been to busy lately but i promise ima talk to u whenever i can and well Yami i see u everyday luv you girl <3
@jenni165 yeah what Ess said I have been busy with school nd I don't get on kik anymore also sorry I saw this right now bc I literally just got on wattpad
Back to school Woohoo Yayy!!! (note sarcasm) but what else can i do right.....anyways I've been thinkin of ideas for my books so there will be updates comming soon so stay tunned...anyways this is all for today..bye lovely ppl :)