Being a professional technical writer, Betty Godwin Mackie possesses a great expertise and wide knowledge in writing brochures, newspaper articles, manuals, and grant writing. Besides, she designs and manufactures beach tables and beachwear for
  • USA
  • انضمAugust 18, 2017

قصص بقلم Betty Godwin Mackie
Betty Godwin Mackie: The natural scenes of Raleigh calm me down with creativity بقلم johnharry2377
Betty Godwin Mackie: The natural s...
At Raleigh, Betty Godwin Mackie does the exact job. Betty renovates the homes and takes them nearer to nature...
Betty G Mackie Raleigh learned to deal with challenges as a renovator بقلم johnharry2377
Betty G Mackie Raleigh learned to...
Betty G Mackie Raleigh is a renovator herself and she started with contractor-like duties after collaborating...
Professional life of Betty Mackie Raleigh as a Medical Administration Manager بقلم johnharry2377
Professional life of Betty Mackie...
Betty Mackie Raleigh has great leadership skills. She has great leadership qualities which always helps her i...