
Flashback to when I was first writing Fatal Attraction and someone in a Kik group chat I'm in said they really enjoyed it. I was so happy that someone liked my amateur writing. I miss them and hope they're well. 
          	Also I hope everyone is being safe during this time! It's been awhile and I want you all to know I love you so much!!


Flashback to when I was first writing Fatal Attraction and someone in a Kik group chat I'm in said they really enjoyed it. I was so happy that someone liked my amateur writing. I miss them and hope they're well. 
          Also I hope everyone is being safe during this time! It's been awhile and I want you all to know I love you so much!!


Hey! If you've read any of my other books, I've unpublished them so I could work on them and make them better, since I'm older and don't really suck. My current priority is my Naruto book that I will try to keep updated. Thank you!^^


Why can I relate to this? 


@NidrienSinners This entire Profile tf u mean? XD