Reading Lists
to the people that have watched “never have i ever”… TEAM PAXTON OR TEAM BEN? (i love a good enemies to lover, but after s2, i’m team paxton all the way”
well technically, i’m team nobody, i honestly don’t care who she ends up with, cause she’s cute with both, but i prefer her with paxton. if that makes sense
i am so embarrassed right now. my stomach just growled loudly in class, and it's very quiet in here!!
i got this update a while back, but i’m only now talking about it. I’M JUST HAPPY THAT WE CAN FINALLY SEARCH UP THE BOOKS INSTEAD OF THE AUTHOR ON WATTPAD T-T
i started rereading alpha mates a day ago and my gawd! the new set of ftrs are annoying asf! not all, but majority of them
@unicornwise all of that series + the author's books are so good. sometimes the comments are a full on mess but that's with any book. hope you read it and enjoy it *puppy eyes emoji*
oh my goodness! my bed broke! now i have to sleep on the left side of it. everyone knows the right side is the best side to sleep on!! T-T
kinda wanna come out to my family, but they’re lwk homophobic. i remember this one time my aunts asked my sister if she liked girls, but the question was out of nowhere, and she was so shocked that she couldn’t answer(she doesn’t btw). so when she didn’t answer, they took it as her being scared to come out. so one of my aunts said “if you do, we’ll still love you the same. we won’t understand it, but we will” but then my other aunt proceeded to say, “no, i’ll have to beat it out of her first” but she said it as a “joke” and my 3 aunts laughed at it. and now i’m conflicted, because i don’t even like them bitches. i want them out of my life, but i’m a minor, and my mom’s a sheep, so she’ll probably just go with what they say. i am not ready to be homeless and shunned at 15
I read your post and really wanted to help u...although I can’t cause I never had to come out to my family but from what I’ve read on wattpad I’ll just say that bro wait..first test the waters like try to come up with a conversation with your family abt idk equality and acceptance to the lgbtq+ community and then see their reaction...like if they are totally chill abt it then cool u can come out, but if they are annoyed or something then I’ll say wait..talk to someone who is close to u and understands and accepts who u are (best friend or your sister, heck u can even talk to me) that’ll make u feel lighter and a little less burdened...and then ig u wait till u are capable enough to survive being homeless( hopefully that doesn’t happen)...or if u have a lot of guts then go ahead and tell them... And again this maybe a shit advise which is solely based on wattpad expect and I may not be the best person to help u out cause I’ll never have to face this situation..but I wanted to help so here it is...hope this helps.. P.S sorry for the loooong rant/advise...*guilty emoji* (this emoji situation has to change *annoyed emoji*)
we can’t put emojis on this shít?! at the end of my “rant”, i put the skull emoji
i just found out that they’re making Juneteenth into a national holiday. so to all my fellow black people, what do you think of this? i personally am not THAT upset about it becoming a holiday. but what i am mad about is that half of the people probably didn’t even know it was a thing. they don’t teach these type of things in school, and the way we’re treated in amerikka is not okay, but then all of a sudden…BAM! it’s a holiday. i just feel like they don’t REALLY know about the meaning behind that day. they’re just throwing us a bone. and don’t get me started on the white saviors. watch these stores come in with a plain black shirt with “melanin” written in white or gold
I learned it was a thing by accident in middle school and was so excited. But then I realized that nobody knew what it was and was kinda sad. One of my teachers at the time has their birthday on the same day but didn’t want to say it because they didn’t want that day to be about themselves bc Juneteenth already doesn’t get enough attention.
BRUHHHH!!! i had “kill like a gentleman” in my library, but i didn’t read it yet! and NOW i find out that it’s a PAID STORY?!! WTFFFF!! i mean, congrats to the author, but i really wanted to read it!
@joseph_morgans_bitch yeah I was too sad when I saw that. Guess I'll never read that book
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