I am a Thunder Bay, Ontario based writer, writing mostly young adult fiction. Favourite authors include John Green, Veronica Roth, Matthew Quick, Marissa Meyer and Rainbow Rowell.
  • Thunder Bay, Ontario
  • InscritJuly 19, 2012


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joshaidan joshaidan Jul 10, 2014 03:32AM
Sorry for taking so long, but I've just published a new chapter of Carry On Cath.
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Histoires par Brian Jones
The Perks of Being That Boy You Don't Want to Date par joshaidan
The Perks of Being That Boy You Do...
This series is a collection of letters written to the reader from a boy who goes mostly unnoticed by those ar...
Carry On Cath par joshaidan
Carry On Cath
I found the character of Cather (Cath) Avery from Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell so interesting that I thought she...
ranking #9 dans la catégorie rowell Voir tous les classements
Clyde for Mayor par joshaidan
Clyde for Mayor
Clyde for Mayor is the story of municipal politics in small town Canada. The community of Shuniah Paipoonge m...
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