
For those not on Tumblr, I explained that I found at least 4 of my works stolen along with many other authors' fics today- It's already being taken care of with reports and DMCAs.
          	If y'all want people to keep creating, whether it's fanwork or originals, please don't support reposted/stolen work. If you see something like 'credit to the creator' or some variation of it, the work has been stolen. If someone says another person wrote the work but there's no evidence they had permission to repost the work, it's most likely stolen as well.
          	People supporting reposters has driven away so many wonderful creators already; please, do not knowingly add to the problem.


For those not on Tumblr, I explained that I found at least 4 of my works stolen along with many other authors' fics today- It's already being taken care of with reports and DMCAs.
          If y'all want people to keep creating, whether it's fanwork or originals, please don't support reposted/stolen work. If you see something like 'credit to the creator' or some variation of it, the work has been stolen. If someone says another person wrote the work but there's no evidence they had permission to repost the work, it's most likely stolen as well.
          People supporting reposters has driven away so many wonderful creators already; please, do not knowingly add to the problem.


It's stormy season where I live and the weather has been taking out my power and internet off and on for the past few weeks  w(゚Д゚)w  I'm doing what I can when I can in the meantime lol It's almost as if the weather keeps throwing a bunch of wrenches into my plans whenever I go to draw or write, so I figured I might as well let y'all know in case this keeps going on for longer than expected!


In light of the recent announcement from Wattpad about the changes in their content guidelines, I advise anyone wanting to keep up with my work to follow me on other platforms such as Tumblr or AO3. Wattpad is changing their rules around 18+ content and censoring fiction even more than they previously did.
          The rise in censorship, especially around 18+ content, is NOT a good sign. These changes to the rules also make no sense when the Mature toggle is already in place and meant to keep mature works to mature audiences. These puritanical standards have already driven off many wonderful creators and will continue to drive off even more.
          I already have many works I am unable to post here due to pre-existing rules, but these updated rules may put several of my posted stories at risk of sudden deletion. So if you'd like to read the stories I can't post here and keep up with stories that might get taken down, you can find me at jplupine on Tumblr [linked in bio] and at J_P_Lupine on AO3.


@mynameisnotjessica Thank you! And I hope so, too. This whole thing is a dumpster fire (;′⌒`)


@jplupine ❤️❤️❤️❤️ keep doing what you're doing fam, I hope this Wattpad situation gets better but it probably won't. Glad you have more stuff and backs ups on tumblr and AO3 though! ✨ 
            I hope your works don't get deleted, they're already marked mature! 


Here's the 'official' announcement for the sixth book in the Leila series; Leila of the Prey! There's no set date on when the first chapter will be published, but it will be coming soon ^-^
          vv For those interested in a sneak peek at what this fic will be about vv


@SnowfakesElegance Aaaa I'm so happy to hear that!! Most of the clues were rather subtle since the story is from Leila's POV and she wouldn't know those details would be something to pay much attention to. They're mostly small clues that make more sense when everything is put together like a puzzle!


 Wow, loved the major twist in identities (won’t mention much as spoiler!!), but whether maybe I’m just ‘slow on the uptake’, didn’t see the clues or whatever - SO DID NOT SEE THAT COMING! Super intriguing twist on all stories and how they’re interconnected in a way I did not realise.
            About partway through the new Book 5, I realised that it connected quite meaningfully with Book 4 so I actually stopped and re-read Book 4 and then continued the rest of Book 5 (had been quite a while and glad I did). Such a brilliant storyline you have going and so unique. I’m actually now going to binge from Books 1 through 5 as their sooo good and pick up anything I’d missed first time round. Also excited for Book 6 and hope there is a in-depth explanation about the bizarre coincidences found. Happy Writing 


@SnowfakesElegance Thank you! I'm glad to hear that you've enjoyed the series ^-^


I finished reworking Big Bad Rogue! A LOT has been changed- it was 29 chapters but has been cut down to 18, and over 5k of words has been added in! By deleting chapters, the book did lose some stats, but it was worth it imo since I like it a lot more now and it better aligns with the ideas I had for the story <3
          If you'd like to check out all the new updates (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.) =>


I know I've gone by mujona-ginger on here for over a decade now but I think it's past time to change it to match everything else xD I'm making this an announcement to help prevent any confusion for anyone wondering why it changed. ^-^


I started making mood boards recently and then got into making some for my OCs from my fics xD I'll be adding them to their respective fics along with the character's theme song
          I'll add the others as they get completed! I've been having a lot of fun with them <3


@mynameisnotjessica I use Canva! They have a lot of assets available for all sorts of things


@mujona-ginger mood boards!!! What app do you use? Excited to see them! 