
I made an edit on my book “dream smp incorrect quotes. I am no longer in the fandom but I have a few things to say,
          	 I want there to be no comments about the allegations of wilbur and Shelby. And I 100% do not want anyone commenting about how they think wilbur is in the right. wilbur is an @buser and I give my full support to Shelby. All of my support will always go towards Shelby.
          	Lots of love
          	- Juliiiiia 


I made an edit on my book “dream smp incorrect quotes. I am no longer in the fandom but I have a few things to say,
           I want there to be no comments about the allegations of wilbur and Shelby. And I 100% do not want anyone commenting about how they think wilbur is in the right. wilbur is an @buser and I give my full support to Shelby. All of my support will always go towards Shelby.
          Lots of love
          - Juliiiiia 


Totally not me venting about a “bandaid crisis” I had two years ago.
          The reason that I would have so many bandaids on at a time is cause I would have a hangnail, it would bleed, then I would put a bandaid on it. Making me want to keep the bandaids on my for a longer period of time. Not realizing I was allergic to the sticky stuff of it. I soon realized that the bandaids weren’t really helping my cause. So I just ended up using tissues instead if I was at school. I would only use bandaids if it was infected or the bleeding wouldn’t slow down. Don’t worry though, I’m fine now! That was about 2 years ago. Sometimes I have to remind myself that I’m allergic to bandaids and to not put one on. 


Hello people whats up?
          Schools been stressful.
          So I haven’t had the time to really do anything on here. Its the sad truth. ):
          School really just sucks, doesn’t it?
          Hope y’all can have an amazing rest of your day! Buh-bye!


            Im in pre-algebra.
            But right now i have a passing grade, so ill let you know If i need any help! Thanks!


If you need help with algebra, just dm me, ok? Same goes for hugs.


My phone wont’ charge. Help. (I would plug it in then the little lightening thing appears for like one or two seconds. Then its gone. ):


@BlueTheHybridDragon thank goodness I’m not the only one. (:


Gosh, why does it always have to happen? Been thru that torture before, ur not the only one.