
Hello my lovelies. I know, it's been a long time. Over two years actually, since I did anything but read on this site. And, I'm sorry to tell you all, that I will no longer be updating this profile. I feel like all of the things I've written here just aren't a part of my writing style anymore. And I don't want to disappoint any of you by completely changing the tone of some of these stories in the middle of them. I feel like that is just a horrible shame to any of you who love these stories. I just wouldn't be doing any of you justice. 
          	So this notification is basically me telling all of you that I won't be using this profile anymore. I am putting these stories and the ideas and characters behind them (only the ones that I made up, of course) up for grabs. If any of you would like to take the stories I've started here, and finish them for yourselves, or even post them on your own profiles, here you go. There is a catch however. I do still care about these stories, about the characters, and about what happens to them. So, if you feel like you have a good idea for the direction of one of these stories, and you feel like you could make it into a good book, present the idea to me in message format, and if I approve, it's yours. Deadline to snatch up these book ideas is August 1, 2016 at 23:59 (or 11:59 pm)
          	On a slightly better note, I have created a new profile on Wattpad, where I will be continuing to write (though not exactly the same content). If any of you are interested, I should have the first draft of the first part of my autobiography up within the hour. I hope to see your comments soon. The profile is JWAllGrownUp.
          	As a final note, I just wanted to thank all of you for loving my stories, my brainchildren, if you will, as much as I have loved them. It's just time for them and for me, to grow up and find new paths. I hope some of you will still support me and be the awesome babes you have been these last 4 years. 
          	See you.
          	<3 Lexi


Hello my lovelies. I know, it's been a long time. Over two years actually, since I did anything but read on this site. And, I'm sorry to tell you all, that I will no longer be updating this profile. I feel like all of the things I've written here just aren't a part of my writing style anymore. And I don't want to disappoint any of you by completely changing the tone of some of these stories in the middle of them. I feel like that is just a horrible shame to any of you who love these stories. I just wouldn't be doing any of you justice. 
          So this notification is basically me telling all of you that I won't be using this profile anymore. I am putting these stories and the ideas and characters behind them (only the ones that I made up, of course) up for grabs. If any of you would like to take the stories I've started here, and finish them for yourselves, or even post them on your own profiles, here you go. There is a catch however. I do still care about these stories, about the characters, and about what happens to them. So, if you feel like you have a good idea for the direction of one of these stories, and you feel like you could make it into a good book, present the idea to me in message format, and if I approve, it's yours. Deadline to snatch up these book ideas is August 1, 2016 at 23:59 (or 11:59 pm)
          On a slightly better note, I have created a new profile on Wattpad, where I will be continuing to write (though not exactly the same content). If any of you are interested, I should have the first draft of the first part of my autobiography up within the hour. I hope to see your comments soon. The profile is JWAllGrownUp.
          As a final note, I just wanted to thank all of you for loving my stories, my brainchildren, if you will, as much as I have loved them. It's just time for them and for me, to grow up and find new paths. I hope some of you will still support me and be the awesome babes you have been these last 4 years. 
          See you.
          <3 Lexi


So guys, here's the thing. I am still writing The Ranger's Unusual Apprentice, and I should have the next chapter up by the end of the day. Maybe, don't quote me on that. But I've actually been writing this new story called Taken.
          It is not a fan fiction of the movie Taken, it's a book that I actually wrote by myself. It is completely out of my head, and I was wondering if you guys would check it out. I'm not saying you have to, but it would be nice.


I'm sorry that I'm being so indecisive, but I'm putting the Ranger's Unusual Apprentice back on hold so that I can completely rewrite the story. I figured out that I couldn't keep going with the story as it is because I hate it. For right now, it will be the same, and I'll just rewrite a few chapters to see if I like that way better. If I don't, then I'll take the story off hold and just leave it as it is, and keep going with this story line. I need your opinions people, so please get back to me within the next 24 hours, or I'll just do it my way. 
          ~Lexi <3