
guys im watching moonlight..i hope nothing bad happens


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gonna be so fr i only come on wattpad anymore to hceck comments and like i love being able to see ppl interacr and talk to eachother (and me!) but i am so sick of seeing ppl being bigots and assholes when i feel i have been very clear and outspiken about my views and beliefs around things, there is no room in my books to be an asshole and bigot. Idc if u are also queer i will argue and become and asshole lmfao..Anyways if u r conservative or share any views w conservatives u have no room on my acc/in my books:3 




im reading this fic right now and its so good it amkes me want to tear my hair out good, but there is some parts where all i feel js embaraSement like i cant deal eoth it makes me physcaly stop reading beincause i nust feel embrazsment fill my body


i finished reading it...i am heartbroken i camt handle this wta the heck


cant private my spam/vent insta so im ranting here lawl


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anhways i fedl bad talking shit about t on my cf bcuz g sees it and like i could remove her but i think id feel bad bcuz usualy im just saying silly things


also they nvr said anythinf about going to this concert together t kept talking like they were going w their dad or alone or sum whereas last time they went to a concert together like they talked about it idk it jußseems wierd


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so like im gonna call my friends t and g for this anywayz t is like in love w g or sum shit and is always on her side and following her around and like if i do sumthing she will get annoyed vut if g does it then its funny or silly anywayz t is like rlly rich and yk has money to spend on concert tickets which is like whatever fine but to both concerts t has gone to they have taken g with them,,now the first one g actualy likes the band that played and payed t back but with this one g doesnt even rlly like the artist and i dont think has had to pay t back,,and its not like i like the artist i saw but its like t would rather ask g to go anywhere then ask me and like also i kinda like posted a thing on my insta being like "ive now realised ppl are embarased of me haha" and they (t) responded "noo i love being in class w u:3) or some shit like that and i feel like they were making fun of me bcuz they never talk to me like that they never use ":3" and like we usualy joke/make fun of eachother over txt but wen were being srs we can tell but i cant tell this time and ugh i dont wanna be pissed off at them for the msg but also like idfk


i get rlly bad period cramps and i have to go away for a week while on my period and like idk how im gonna do anything lnfao, also like heaps of people w ill be there and i get rlly unconfterble being somewhsre thats not my house and being on my period jdhds this always happens to me TT


my art homeowrk has got to be the post peaceful thing ever


@junkieboyfriend Same dude,It's even more fun when stoned!


i should rlly do my pther hw as its harder and i need it done but this is more fun:3