Sorry I've been dead lmao. I'm currently writing fanfics and getting my obsession out of my system but I just wanna say thanks for all the comments, adding my books to your reading lists, votes, and follows! I really appreciate you guys. I'm sorry I haven't been on wattpad, this app has definitely went through some changes, changes i don't necessarily agree with (but it's my opinion against the whole community so what's there to do about that anyway lol) and so I've been feeling less eager to write. This isn't a goodbye or anything I'll still be here and I'm hoping I get to update soon. I'm just doing a little check up I guess, because you guys have been asking for updates and honestly I don't want to respond with a "stay tooned" "I'll update soon" "in the future" because Idk when I might update. I want to write LAC and WB because I do feel a connection with these two books and feel like they're my first two original ideas that separates it from any other teen fictions people read (not saying it's legit or 'better') but I like them. Love them even so I don't want to give up. I guess it's because I'm so hooked up with the ideas playing in my head like some movie so when they don't come on the paper the way I envision it I become unmotivated to write and that's my biggest downfall and I'm sorry for keeping you guys on stupid cliffhangers. I want to be able to finish this book and so many of you have supported me and I keep pushing all the encouragement away and I want you to forgive me for doing that. I don't know when exactly but I do plan on getting back into the writing spirit. I'm so grateful you took the time to read my works so it's only fair I pay you in return with more chapters to keep you going. Again I'm sorry for my absence and hope you understand. I'll be back soon <3