
LMAOO last message was a lie but I did recently finish a chapter of my Ban and King fic... crazy ikr... I'm planning to do a few more and upload them in bulk for you binge readers cuz who knows when im gonna come back alive... but how many are yall still interested in it? I'm gonna keep writing regardless but ya, keep in mind I haven't totally forget it existed for those who read it or want to read it 


LMAOO last message was a lie but I did recently finish a chapter of my Ban and King fic... crazy ikr... I'm planning to do a few more and upload them in bulk for you binge readers cuz who knows when im gonna come back alive... but how many are yall still interested in it? I'm gonna keep writing regardless but ya, keep in mind I haven't totally forget it existed for those who read it or want to read it 


Why 6226 


@XFallenRomanticX thanks for giving me an idea ;>


@Lxii26 Lxii is the Roman numeral for 62