
Hey loves!
          	I just written a new chapter on One N’ Million! Make sure to get caught up with all of the chapters if you haven’t.  Don’t forget to comment and vote! Hope you like the new Vol. 5. Hope you all have amazing day! Love you guys! 
          	               - Ci 


Hey loves!
          I just written a new chapter on One N’ Million! Make sure to get caught up with all of the chapters if you haven’t.  Don’t forget to comment and vote! Hope you like the new Vol. 5. Hope you all have amazing day! Love you guys! 
                         - Ci 


Hey y’all! 
          I know it has been minute since I have wrote my stories. I just have been feeling uninspired with not writing. Best believe it’s going to change! Thank you all for being patient I really appreciate each and everyone who takes the time to read my books. If you haven’t read One N’ Million.. Girl what are you waiting on?! Vol. 1 & Vol. 2 are up now!  let me know what y’all think love you guys and have amazing day


Hey y’all!! 
          I know it’s probably a little late to be posting but I just wanted to come on here and speak a couple of words. If any of you are being discouraged from your writing or just anything out of life. Just remember this scripture that I have came across from, “Be Strong and Courageous” Joshua 1:9. If y’all are reading this I just wanted y’all to be encouraged threw the week or with anything. I will be hopefully posting a chapter soon. Make sure to get caught up with any of the chapters that I have posted. All of you have a blessed weekend to reach out the week! 
                         Yours Truly....  


Hey everybody! 
          This is ya girl Ci! I just wanted to say some encouraging words to y’all. But, if you have dreams or goals that you want to Accomplish this year. Do it boo! It will defiantly happen! Just pray about it... Most defiantly claim it what you want...speak into existence! 
          Don’t worry everything will fall into place . NEVER GIVE UP!! I’m sorry I haven’t been posting a new story yet. It will be coming soon, I promise. Love of y’all ❤️ thank you sooo much for reading my story. It means so much to me. Remember your poppin! Never allow anyone to take your happiness! You are your happiness!! 
                             Many Blessings, 