In this prequel to the novel series, "Olivia Tames the Legends," Livi's latest detention brings her head-to-head with two intruders who claim to be advance scouts from Mount Olympus. The strangers seem to take turns terrifying Livi and her friends. Phobos can scare narcissistic Queen Bee Siobhan and egotistical power-nerd Steve, but only Deimos can get under the skin of Elsie, the school's golden girl and honor-roll mainstay. When the pair begin to prey on the fears of the teaching staff, it takes someone equally frightening to lead the resistance against them. It takes a sarcastic dancer like Livi to disobey her principal. But how will she convince her serial pest, the obedient Kent Hwang, that he is their only hope against terror? And how does a mysterious janitor herald the forthcoming incursion in Livi's debut novel, "Olivia Tames Olympus?" All characters and situations are registered by the author, K. Alan Leitch, for U.S. Copyright. "Olivia Tames Olympus" is represented by Aevitas Creative Management. Contact Rick Richter.