
HAppy early Easter


Heyo , sorry I wasn't really on , but ur Bio . R u ok?


@Glam_Freddy Oh kk, Thx for telling me ^^


@Osasunafan Ye, she good, she just not online as much but she is online at times


YASHIRO! Thank God, you didn't delete it yet... Please don't go... I love you, and need you, Kou needs you, don't go. Please? Don't leave... Please? I NEED YOU! Please... Don't go... I'll write a whole thing! A WHOLE 10- or 100-page paper because I need you to stay... And I hope this changes your mind... If you go, I might commit. Please don't leave, I need you, Kou needs you, and Mistuba needs you, I told Mistuba about you, I think they want to meet ya... Don't go Yashiro-Chan... I can write this is different languages, to show you how much I want you to stay. Don't go, don't delete Wattpad, if you delete Wattpad keep Roblox, if you delete Roblox keep Wattpad, this... You.... When I'm talking to you, I feel like you're right there with me, I can't lose that.... I need you; I love you, Yashiro. Please, don't go. I will not... Be happy without you Yashiro. So, please, I beg of you, to not delete Wattpad, I... Sure, I can talk to Kou, or my other friends but... It just won't be the same Yashiro, I really, and I mean really, want you by my side, and... I know this may not change your mind but... If your parents are abusive then... You know me and Kou will beat them up, sure, I might go an extra mile and get stabby, but that doesn't prove the point! I enjoy talking to you, you are the first lover I ever had that didn't use me! Please... Yashiro, stay. If you leave, I might leave the world. Do not leave, please... Yashiro please. I'd do anything for you, you know that. Please, but if you do, I won't ever forget you, but, I might also... Y'know... Stay in my house and die a pain and slow death (starving), don't go, you know I'm suicidal, I can't lose you too, I've lost too many people in my life, you're one of the most important people to me, and, just don't go. I need you, please, please, PLEASE, stay. I can't handle it. So, don't go, it may not change your mind, so why am I trying right? Uhm... Well, bye then... Huh? Love ya Yashiro! Cya when we die! I hope. Love you...