
Mars here... It's been a very very long time. So long that I had to reset the password in Jupiter- LOVE YA BUDDY! *hides* Summer is here, giving me time to think about fanfictions, giving me some sick ideas for a Hetalia FanFic that could even make J happy. X) I've been considering picking up on our strange old story that we wrote so long ago, so be prepared for that. With love - Mars


Mars here... It's been a very very long time. So long that I had to reset the password in Jupiter- LOVE YA BUDDY! *hides* Summer is here, giving me time to think about fanfictions, giving me some sick ideas for a Hetalia FanFic that could even make J happy. X) I've been considering picking up on our strange old story that we wrote so long ago, so be prepared for that. With love - Mars


Lol guys! I haven't updated in forever and ever! But guess what! Idc! Lol! But seriously though, I missed you guys! I have some new ideas, maybe some fanfics? Idk.... Anyways... It's just going to be me now since I moved schools and houses so I don't see mars anymore.... ;( anyways! Looking forward to having you guys read my work! 


          I really like your quirk, and yes I will be your friend and my fan troll Amarow Butori can be Feliix's morail!!!!!!!!!


            Feliix:  id hAVe to mEEt hEr? of cOURSe bEFORe i mAKe aNy dECISIONs.
            Lily: *Smacks the back of his head softly*  Feliix!  Be nice, maybe you can finally get along with someone.  *Turns to you*  Sorry,
            Feliix: i dONt wANt to.  in tHe gAMe, yOu cANt "tRUSt" aNYONe.  *Crosses his arms and flips the coin*  bUt it dId lANd lUCKy.,. hMm.  i sUPPOSe, bASEd on tHIs, iLl hAVe to tRy aNd gEt aLONg wITh yOu.
            Lily: That's more like it!


tHANk yOu fOr tHe fOLLOw.  i do aPPRECIATe it.  i sUPPOSe lUCk mUSTVe bEEn on oUr sIDe tODAy tHEn.  *He tosses a coin, leaning on a wall*
          Lily: Hey, I'm the admin of Feliix here, sorry about his attitude, he's kind of... well, I should say, he doesn't really trust anyone I guess.  But really, thanks for the fan!  *Smiles bright*  I hope we can become friends and hang out and stuff!  *Bows*
          Feliix: yOu mEAn mORAILs.,. i hONESTLy dONt gEt yOu hUMANs.
          Lily: *Looks at him sadly*  But... Feliix!!!  You... *Sighs*  Nevermind.  You just live with me and everything.  But whatever.
          Feliix: *He gives the coin another flip, landing on tails*  hMm.  jUDGINg by tHe sIGNs, im nOt gOINg to rESPONd.
          Lily: *Sighs*  Anyways, it's a pleasure to meet you!  *Smiles again, extending a hand*