tHANk yOu fOr tHe fOLLOw. i do aPPRECIATe it. i sUPPOSe lUCk mUSTVe bEEn on oUr sIDe tODAy tHEn. *He tosses a coin, leaning on a wall*
Lily: Hey, I'm the admin of Feliix here, sorry about his attitude, he's kind of... well, I should say, he doesn't really trust anyone I guess. But really, thanks for the fan! *Smiles bright* I hope we can become friends and hang out and stuff! *Bows*
Feliix: yOu mEAn mORAILs.,. i hONESTLy dONt gEt yOu hUMANs.
Lily: *Looks at him sadly* But... Feliix!!! You... *Sighs* Nevermind. You just live with me and everything. But whatever.
Feliix: *He gives the coin another flip, landing on tails* hMm. jUDGINg by tHe sIGNs, im nOt gOINg to rESPONd.
Lily: *Sighs* Anyways, it's a pleasure to meet you! *Smiles again, extending a hand*