
Unpublished all of the books.. From tomorrow I'll start uploading them one by one, edited and completed.. and with some new covers.. ♥️
          	[ Sorry if someone was in the middle of reading.. I'll upload them soon ]


@kasuniisanka I am so glad to see your books back. Can you please upload Protect next (I hope I got the name right!)? Thanks so much for treating us to your books again.


@kasuniisanka i love that you kept BTS song lyrics at the beginning and BTS memes at the end and the story together with these make my day from a depressing one to a happy one!thank you author


Am i the only one who is facing this problem? 
          I can't have more then 2 stories in my offline stories. 
          I tried with other account in those account i can have 25 offline stories, but i can't have more then 2 stories in this account? 
          Why is this happening? 


@PuelyAkther5 did you update wattpad? 


Hi! Um, I just wanted permission to see if I could use one of your stories as inspo for one of my stories. It was just an idea I had after watching one of yours on YouTube, and I just wanted to see if it was okay with you that it was going to be used as an idea for one of my stories in my book


@iustined As long as you are not coping the story. 