

Downloaded my copy. Thanks!


Hey, everyone!
          I have news on Tiny Kingdom. I passed it off to an editor and got notes back. The good news... she loved it, but she wanted more of everything. Since it was already 106k+ words she suggested I break it up into two books so I can expand the world a bit more. And I loved the idea of being able to do that. So, it will be a while before it's available on the Zon. 
          I've made you all wait for effing ever because life got in way. So, the original story will be available, once I finish formatting and my cover artist gets the cover to me, on Smashwords. I'll let you know once it goes live! 
          Thank you all for supporting my first book!


I'm actually finishing up the formatting for Zon today, so hopefully by next week it'll be available.


Just wondering how the editing/publishing is going? I miss Tiny Kingdom!


@Anybody2002 Cover art is done! Just in the formatting process now!


Sometimes I hate this app.  I can’t DM you.  I’ve been searching for the last 6 months for  a book that I read and loved, but I haven’t been able to find it.  I finally posted on another authors page thinking they may have wrote it.  Luckily another reader saw my post and description of the plot and they posted that they believe it is your book A Tiny Kingdom.  Please let us know when you post it on another site. I’m desperate to read it again!


@Gaydallasreader Hey, sorry it took me so long to reply. I wanted to have some news for you before I did. I just got TK back from my editor. All I'm waiting on right now is my cover artist and I need to format it, but it's going to be available on Smashwords as soon as that's done.


Hey everyone,
          I'm in the process of getting Tiny Kingdom ready to publish. It will be available through the Kindle store, since that seems the least hassle for my lazy a$$. I don't think the slap dash 10 minute cover I used here will cut it, so if you have a rec for a cover creator you were happy with, drop me a line. I'd like to support them.
          A couple of the things I did lose when WP yanked the story was the chapter titles and blurb, so if any of you happen to have hands on those, please let me know!!! 
          As much as I wanted to keep TK free, I'm not going to be able to. I have my reasons, good ones unfortunately. DM if you want the dirty details; but it's a rather pathetic tale of woe, and all too common in this day and age. 
          Those of you who supported the heII out TK, I thank you. I'll never be able to say it enough. Once I'm through the craptastical process known as 'editing' I'll be dropping you a DM, so look out for it.
          Love & $hit,


Is this available on Kindle?


*Bows in Return* It was a honor and a Privilege XD


@MarieAnnlolz *bows down in grateful subservience* THANK YOU SO MUCH!


I was reading tiny kingdom and realized I couldn't upvote it and was like wait... And my mind was processing then I started thinking I'm going to screenshot all the pages before they don't let me see it anymore


Hello once again,
          I've heard back from WP support and, sadly, 'A Tiny Kingdom' will not be returning to Wattpad. I'll be looking for a new home for my babies, so if you have any reputable host suggestions please let me know through DM. 
          Having my very first full length novel be banned is something I find hilarious, I actually chuckled. I knew going in that this was a possibility, so I'm not even close to upset over it. I would need to rewrite the first chapter to make it fit here and I'm not going to do that, since it's the foundation for the entire story. 
          In the 3 months, 3 weeks since the entire book had been published here it managed to rack up 400k+ views, 15k+ votes, and innumerable comments. It ranked #1 in 9 categories over it's short lifespan, and above #200 in the massive 'Romance' category (my jaw dropped the day I saw that). Your support for my babies is hugely important to me. I can't thank you enough for it. 
          Whether I post my next novel here is still something I'm debating at this point. (It's inspired by real life events, even.) I love WP and the wonderful authors here, but I believe the guidelines to be too strict. People should be allowed to write, publish, and read what they wish. Some of my very favorite books here gang rape the guidelines without lube, and that makes my dark and twisted little soul happy beyond reason. 
          People who report books, or leave rude comments, will never get me down. I have no rage rant to throw out here. When I heard back from WP support, I shrugged my shoulders and thought, "Eh, I'll just move it then." 
          I kinda wish whoever reported it runs across this post. If you happen to read this, reporter of books, I have one thing to say to you... *static and white noise here, because NPCs don't matter*
          Love to all you awesome peoples,


@MarieAnnlolz You idiot it was in your library 


Hi there,
          Thank you all who have followed me and for all your love of 'A Tiny Kingdom'. As some of you might have noticed, it has disappeared from Wattpad. I did not take it down and am waiting for WP support response at this time. I can only guess that it was reported for some reason or other. 
          I didn't lose anything except your awesome votes and comments (most of which I have saved in emails anyway), so if it stays gone for good on WP, I'll just look for someplace else to host it. Sadly, it will likely be a charge type host. (All the frownie faces here) I wrote this with the intention of giving back to the WP community from which I have gained much entertainment. (*ahem*I'm a book whore*ahem) I intended for it to be free here, but if WP won't allow it I'll still make sure it's available somehow, somewhere. 
          I'll keep you all informed as I find things out myself. I've been rather busy with crappy irl stuff, so sorry for not keeping up with comments better. I also have Rheumatoid Arthritis, and it's winter in my neck of the woods. Typing is usually difficult for me during winter, so future stories (despite being fully formed in my head) will have to wait until it warms up and my joints cooperate. (This took forever to type, but I love you guys so it's worth it!)
          All my love (and kisses in naughty places for the perverts),


I also have it with mixed order of characters.. but it is still readable so I am super happy


@kat-a-clysm i still have it in my library


its still in my library (i was half way through and super worried) but the chapters are all out of order it’s very weird 


Hello all you wonderful people!
          I was away from WP for a few days and during that time TK turned over 200k reads! I'm so excited. I'm slowly catching up with the comments, so please bear with me. Not much going on beside holiday craziness. With two school age kids in the house, it's been hectic and will get more so now that winter break has started. 
          Thank you everyone who has followed, read, voted, and shared! I can't thank you enough!!!