I'm a writer of YA/teen fiction and romance and a reader mostly of romance, science fiction and fantasy.  I was putting my YA novel PREPPER on Wattpad chapter by chapter for awhile but I came to believe my book wasn't a good fit for this site so I'm self-publishing on Amazon instead.  I might put it back here later though!  And I'm leaving the first five chapters up for now.  Thank you to everyone who read, starred and commented on it!

You can join the bots following my Instagram account @kategilronan
  • United States
  • SumaliJanuary 1, 2023

Huling Mensahe
KateGilronan KateGilronan Nov 13, 2023 12:28AM
I've decided to take PREPPER mostly off Wattpad so I can publish it on Amazon's Kindle Unlimited.  Any reader who's interested can message me and I'll coordinate a free day for them to download it (o...
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