Still plugging through this book. It's on my feedback list, too, so it's taking longer because all the inline comments with edits and stuff, which is fine. Some authors like more comments, some like less, and for me, it's all about focusing on the book and the author I'm working with and doing whatever I need to do for them. The authors I've already worked with know. So, for those of you still waiting, you'll get the same personalized attention from me when I get to you. :)
In other news, it's snowing here! Which is nice, except for the weather-related vertigo. I'd like to at least update Archives with the changes I've been tracking in my master list, so hopefully, I can get that done tonight. Might be tomorrow, though. We'll see.
Also, since winter weather is here, it would make perfect sense for me to write the next chapter of TFSSA. It will use the last prompt from the original contest, "The Fabulous Spec-Fic Smack Down," and after it's done, the book will get a facelift. New title, new cover (in the works, thanks to @Dove-Writes), new blurb, and an intro chapter explaining the book's origin and some of its quirks. Basically, it'll shift from being a contest-centered book to a normal book that I started for a contest. But I have the write this last chapter first. And the prompt is a doozy.
And Google Drive has been warning me for months that I'm at 80% storage capacity, so I went through and shifted all the individual documents for plays and short stories into a single document which will match "The Cringe, the Dull, and the So-So" last night. I couldn't bring myself to publish them on Wattpad without reading them, which I don't have time to do right now. And also, most if it makes me cringe so, so badly.
So...signing off for the day. See y'all tomorrow. :)