
          	i have surgery on tuesday and i’m sf nervous
          	this is my second surgery ever and i’m really freaking out rn any advice?
          	i’ve tried all the de stress stuff that the doctors told me to do but they aren’t helping
          	and i haven’t really told all my friends about my surgery bc i don’t like making everything about me ya know 
          	so like 2 people know and then everyone else is gonna be like where were you for two weeks? and i don’t really like talking about surgeries ngl because a lot of my family members have died during surgery and i don’t want to relive those times again


          i have surgery on tuesday and i’m sf nervous
          this is my second surgery ever and i’m really freaking out rn any advice?
          i’ve tried all the de stress stuff that the doctors told me to do but they aren’t helping
          and i haven’t really told all my friends about my surgery bc i don’t like making everything about me ya know 
          so like 2 people know and then everyone else is gonna be like where were you for two weeks? and i don’t really like talking about surgeries ngl because a lot of my family members have died during surgery and i don’t want to relive those times again


this message may be offensive
Well our thanksgiving was eventful. A couple cousins of ours brought their boyfriends/girlfriends. A younger cousin lost her tooth while eating turkey! One cousin showed of her engagement ring another brought her daughter, who calls all of us cousins aunts or uncles, which is so adorable by the way! We played Headbands, which almost caused an E.R. visit! And the evening ended with a game our family likes to call 'Shit on your neighbor' but when little kids are around it's, Pass to Your Neighbor. Needless to say we had an awesome thanksgiving! Hope you guys did too! 
          ~Kaytlyn and Khloe