
Hello all. It’s been three years since I last posted on here.. how time flies. Lots has happened since but I’ve missed writing. Unfortunately I won’t be updating “Learning to Love”. I feel as though I’ve left it too long for me to be able to pick back up on it. 
          	However... that doesn’t mean I haven’t been writing. 
          	Watch this space. 


Hello all. It’s been three years since I last posted on here.. how time flies. Lots has happened since but I’ve missed writing. Unfortunately I won’t be updating “Learning to Love”. I feel as though I’ve left it too long for me to be able to pick back up on it. 
          However... that doesn’t mean I haven’t been writing. 
          Watch this space. 


Chapter 30 is now finally complete! Sorry it took me so long to finish it. A lot has gone on recently so I haven't had time to write. So, now I'm back, hoping to upload the whole of chapter 31 very soon. I'm writing as in from now. Hope you like the story. Please comment/vote! Thanks lovlies!


Just wanted to apologise for not updating Learning to Love recently. I've been going through a tough time at home and haven't been able to continue writing. I'll try my best to update the chapter as soon as I can. Hope you're all having a good summer though! :)