
i'm not giving this up for lent!! i'm giving up something else ❤️❤️


Hey I think Wattpad got rid of dm’s ‍ my request was based off of this tweet,
          Basically, during the Friday before the Super Bowl, coaches allow the players to spend the afternoon/night with family. So some people in the comments were saying that Travis had an extra pep in his step the morning after finally being able to see Taylor, and I think we know what happened when they got back to the hotel after going out to the restaurant in New Orleans  So I was wondering if you could write something along the lines of that for a oneshot!! Maybe including how he had think about her Grammys fit for a week before he got to see her in person and the teasing/sexual tension that they probably put each other through leading up to seeing eachother!! Let me know what you think about this idea 


great idea!!! i'll work on it ❤️


please give me ideas for one shots i literally have 3 in my drafts and i can't think of anything else and i want to be able to post as many as possible!! pls reply w some either on here or on one of my one shots <3


@hrtsfortaytay i dont feel pressured at all!! i really appreciate it <3


@kenna131313 yess ofc! don’t feel pressured to tho!  <3


@hrtsfortaytay THANK YOU SO MUCH OMGGGG!!!! ill make sure to start on those :)