Lets see I'm 25, I am the mother to 3 beautiful, wild, and wonderful girls aged 3 and 5 who keep me busy and on my toes resulting in a lot of late night reading as it's my only free time lol.
Hmm.. fun fact, I was late learning to read, going into first grade I was one of the few who couldn't and it made me even more determined to learn. Once I learned, that was pretty much all I ever did and I haven't been able to escape the pull of written words transporting me to different world's since. The first novels that ever really drew me in were the Harry Potter series, and I may have been the child/teen to stand in line at midnight for each books release. Currently I'm a big fan of supernatural and utopia/dystopian novels but I've also been know to get immersed in a good mystery or historical fiction.
- DołączyłMarch 30, 2012
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