I write on wattpad, why tf am I having an ao3 author's week T^T (Got a respiratory infection, my headache {which I've had for over a year} is getting worse, I slipped down a flight of stairs where my body decided we were gonna use my legs as a sled, I had to walk up and down more stairs to get to classes bc my mom didn't send someone to pick me up from school, I walked home from my bus stop the same day I had fallen down the stairs, random stabbing pains in my torso, ear infection.)

@Potatoesdarlingzz it was his second crash T^T (wasn't his fault either time, but i still feel like he should be grounded to cars for a while) his dad runs the club he's a part of so even if he sits out it's not like he'll be out of the loop

@kermitnum6548 DAMN My cousin crashed her motorcycle once too Lovely But at least you're fine lmao